Slush Pile noun
A mildly pejorative term for the unsolicited manuscripts clogging up literary agents' inboxes.
The Frontlist website
A free, fair, transparent, agreeable pathway to traditional publication for marketable writers.

A mildly pejorative term for the unsolicited manuscripts clogging up literary agents' inboxes.
A free, fair, transparent, agreeable pathway to traditional publication for marketable writers.
The Frontlist is a new way to get your work in front of a highly-regarded literary agent. It tackles the biggest problems with the current 'slushpile' approach. It ensures that all writers get timely feedback and are given a fair shot. It is also free. To begin, you submit your blurb to be assessed by your (validated) peers. If it is liked by the majority, you'll be invited to submit material for a deeper review. All work that is received well after this second stage will be passed to a literary agent for consideration.
Good quality, fair reviews are at the heart of The Frontlist and we need a team of insightful, widely read, specialised 'super' reviewers to help us keep the review quality high. You will help us to ensure that all of the new material that reaches our agents stands a real chance of representation and publication. We cannot pay you or promise to in the future, but want to give you the opportunity to be a part of the team that sets great talent on the path to literary success.
The Frontlist will provide you with high quality, original and marketable fiction from talented new writers for your chosen genre. We do not poke our noses into any contracts or correspondence that may result. Once a writer has been discovered, our job is done. All we ask is that you give consideration and useful feedback to the writers whose work reaches you through The Frontlist. We have spent hundreds of hours analysing, designing and refining our process. If you are a distinguished multi-agent agency, and like what we are doing, we'd love to hear from you.